Saturday, September 21, 2019

BUS 110 Journal

Week 1 

Entrepreneur Journal:

        In this week's learning, I was able to see the potential of having a journal and writing in it weekly. The value of the lesson goes beyond what my thoughts and understandings have been to the subject. I have owned my own business for years before returning to school, and I can see the value of the amalgamation of the process. Having a preconceived notion that there was no value has been due to poor judgment and comprehension. Thus, I have gained a new insight into learning and how this can be a powerful tool for success today and the future. While I was in operation, I could have kept track of my daily, weekly and monthly progress, goals and aspirations.

 Starting with a date for each entry, combined with Lessons Learned section, Lessons Not Yet Learned section and a reference and categorization method will help keep it organized. The Lessons learned section should consist of observations, real-world exercise, and reflection. The Lessons Not Learned section should consist of things that you don't comprehend and mastered yet. In the reference and categorization method, you will have previously encountered problems and the skill used to solve it. In addition to that, adding an index will help keep everything organized with a quick reference guide.

 Taking time to reflect on daily activities will help me be better engaged in my operation and will hold me accountable for decisions and the functionalities related to my company.  However, my input is only as good as I apply the theory to my practice. In addition, what are the things that I can use to my advantage and incorporate for further success? I hope to build upon my reflections as well as gain new insights and strategies. New methods of my personal affair will include my instructor, classmates, family, and friends. 

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