Friday, October 25, 2019

Week 6

What I found this week to be most important was finding a balance in life and having boundaries. Entrepreneurs are often seen as people with no boundaries and poised to be successful with no added time for useless activities. However, we should set ground rules to live by and take personal time for our families. With balance we can achieve a higher means of greatness and prosperousness results. In everything we do if there is no equilibrium then there is a ricketiness and things tend to come apart from the seems.

Another great lifelong lesson is about having self-mastery and the ability to implement it by putting it into action. The two elements that an individual needs to succeed and put into action are first, to determine your course of action or our moral standards. The next element you need is the will power to succeed; what drives you to reach your goals.  Leonardo da Vinci said, “the height of a man’s success is gauged by his self-mastery.”  Having self-mastery is a skill we all need to obtain as it will help keep us balanced and on the narrow path.

In order to keep these relevant to our lives, an individual must have a journal of daily and weekly activities to reflect upon. This will ensure we have a balance in all things and hold to the boundaries we set and the ground rules. Solomon was a man remembered for his great wisdom but he said, “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.” Just like Solomon, once that we learn to control our own lives we will be able to master all the other things. Once we create the path then and only then the wind of prosperity will fill our sails and carry us through the seas of life.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Week 5

While I watched the video, "A Hero’s Journey" and the thought came to mind, what is a hero? A hero is someone who gives of himself in selfless acts of kindness and at times putting their life in jeopardy for the protection of others.  A man of great courage and a moral compass that surpasses most in the world. While watching this video I could see the journey that took Corey Bell into a path that he can be considered a hero.

I find myself intrigued as he speaks in a manner of such calmness and rudimentary form characterized by the strength of the spirit. He begins to remind us that we need to have a plan and align our life with it. Cory realized that the plan for his life was not heading in the direction as it was intended to. Have we not had dreams of success and wanted to break out of the norm and live life without regrets? Following the status quo is always the easy answer and the broader road.  In addition, it’s not fulfilling, and we need to break away from easy street and travel the narrow road where dreams are envisioned, and realities are made. Cory said, “the richest place in the world is the graveyard.”  That is where dreams are left behind and the words “what if” linger in the hearts of the deceased. We need to start every day by removing the doubts and the “can't” from our vocabulary and business model.

Cory Bell believes that we should do things that contribute to society and build and strengthen family ties. During the hurricane Ike, he traveled to Houston with employees to assist the communities with the notion of wanting to help. At the end of our lives the money we made won't matter nor the status or title we held. What we did will live on in our legacy and for future generations.

While I reflect on what a hero is Cory comes to mind with his selfless acts of kindness towards his family and those around him. He continued to believe in a dream and made it a reality while making an impact wherever he went.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Week 4

       This week was filled with many great key aspects that can be both productive and useful in life to help further one’s ability to grow both secularly and spiritually. Doing what we love will always result in us becoming better at what we do and inspire us as individuals to seek greater distinction. In addition, what we are good at is not essentially what we should be doing. Finding our true calling doesn’t necessarily mean to follow the instincts of others but rather what drives the passion within us. The considerable question one must ask themselves comes to mind is, “what are we born to do”?  Often, I can find myself in prayer and deep thought as I ponder the things the Lord would have me do and how He see me. What is my potential and how do I achieve it?

Some of the questions were answered when I read the book Launching Leaders by Steve Heinz.  His step-by-step process goes as follows. The cycle of spiritual guidance is the first step in the process of taking control of our lives. We need to recognize that we are children of a Heavenly King and are loved.  He is our creator and is intimately aware of who we are and our desires. This gives us peace allowing a sense of confidence embolden us in everything we do. It increases our trust in our inner voice and enable us to listen to the Holy Spirit as he guides us. We need to pay attention and listen as this is how Heavenly Father speaks to us. Often, we are given a nudge to do something that is positive or a bad feeling when we need to stay away from something.  The next step is to have faith to act the right way. We do this by recognizing the powerful influence of the Spirit and trusting in His guidance. Writing down inspiration we receive will help us to remember what we need to do. Be at peace with Heaven’s timing. There are many times in our lives where this step comes in after we have acted faithfully.

In conclusion, the driving force within us will enable ourselves to develop a more full understanding of who we are, what are our passions, and what is our full potential.  That way we can fulfill our individual mission in life.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Week 3  BUS 110

Interesting things that I came across this week in my educational experience. For starters, we listened to Frank Levinson talk about his experience in business and the importance of surrounding yourself with good people. Frank said, “the world is not as clean as you think it is.” His expression of words meant that the people you surround yourself with may not have the intentions or desires that you possess and to be careful. In addition, keep a positive work environment and allow yourself to have family time.  Also, keep balance with work, family and church callings while striving to be a success.
Another great lesson to remember is to have some skin in the game. Jan Newman explained how this concept made the difference for him when he first started out. Having skin in the game or being all in means to put your own towards the business to keep it running and not rely on everyone else. This helps to ensure that one will do whatever is necessary to become a success and see every loose end tied.

In the case study about Magdalena, she desired to earn an education at an early age and come to America with her family. She applied to MIT and IIT and accepted the invitation to IIT graciously. However, within a year Magdalena left Chicago to continue her studies at Stanford where she earned her degree. She was an entrepreneur at heart and later discovered that burning passion inside and the excitement of closing the deal. One of the things that I admired about her was that she listened and offered advice.  When she asked questions, they were simple to understand and caused the individual to ponder deeply before answering.

I can see the importance of listening to those you interact with and asking probing questions into the daily dealings of business matters. Building rapport and maintaining the relationships you make is key for future endeavors and fulfilling life. I admire those who can maintain and keep the balance in all things.