Thursday, October 17, 2019

Week 5

While I watched the video, "A Hero’s Journey" and the thought came to mind, what is a hero? A hero is someone who gives of himself in selfless acts of kindness and at times putting their life in jeopardy for the protection of others.  A man of great courage and a moral compass that surpasses most in the world. While watching this video I could see the journey that took Corey Bell into a path that he can be considered a hero.

I find myself intrigued as he speaks in a manner of such calmness and rudimentary form characterized by the strength of the spirit. He begins to remind us that we need to have a plan and align our life with it. Cory realized that the plan for his life was not heading in the direction as it was intended to. Have we not had dreams of success and wanted to break out of the norm and live life without regrets? Following the status quo is always the easy answer and the broader road.  In addition, it’s not fulfilling, and we need to break away from easy street and travel the narrow road where dreams are envisioned, and realities are made. Cory said, “the richest place in the world is the graveyard.”  That is where dreams are left behind and the words “what if” linger in the hearts of the deceased. We need to start every day by removing the doubts and the “can't” from our vocabulary and business model.

Cory Bell believes that we should do things that contribute to society and build and strengthen family ties. During the hurricane Ike, he traveled to Houston with employees to assist the communities with the notion of wanting to help. At the end of our lives the money we made won't matter nor the status or title we held. What we did will live on in our legacy and for future generations.

While I reflect on what a hero is Cory comes to mind with his selfless acts of kindness towards his family and those around him. He continued to believe in a dream and made it a reality while making an impact wherever he went.

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