Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Week 12

         In this week’s lesson, I have gained some new insights into the importance of helping others when in the time of need. Also, the real reason as to why one should go into business and the significance of being honest in reporting sales.  

After reading the article What’s A Business For by Charles Handy, I have realized how important virtue and integrity are so important to the economy. If we fail to report actual earnings honestly then it can have a negative impact on the business and those that work for the company.  This effect can cause job loss and hurt the local economy and the integrity of the company in the future; however, this does happen often as they report higher earnings to raise their stock portfolio.

The real justification for the existence of business is to make a profit so it can be used to do something better according to Charles Handy.  This has become a moral issue and one should not posses all the profits for himself without helping others. This also reminds me of the story about Tom Monaghan of Domino’s Pizza. He was buying every toy he could and had a home that was excessively large and realized one day that he really had not lived and was wasting his resources. He began to raise money for charities and help those around him.

Charles Handy gave two examples of how businesses can create better cooperate behavior and democracy to improve current culture in the publics' eyes. The contribution ethic is one where we can contribute to society and improve the world around us. In addition, to creating new technologies and products and improving new service businesses.

I believe that Mr. Handy has made some great points on how we can help those less fortunate to become successful.  Helping those around us is a Christ-like attribute and when shared with others it truly changes the world and helps it become a brighter place.  

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